
RIP Cory


I feel very sad today. I woke up this morning, filled with thoughts of sunshine, and plans, and just full of happy. I went downstairs and turned on my phone to the tragic news that Cory Monteith is no longer with us. Suddenly the sun seems a little less bright. I am not sure why I am SO overwhelmingly sad. It is obviously very tragic, but I feel like I am really grieving. I just really identified with him – he was so Canadian, so talented, so nice and kind. He was the perfect partner for Lea Michele whom I also adore. I cannot even imagine the depths of her sadness and despair today. My prayers go out to her and all of Cory’s family and friends. I know the sun is shining a little less brightly today without Cory. I am very thankful that I can at least continue to listen to his beautiful voice. Thank you Cory for bringing such light to us for your much too short life.

RIP Whitney

I was out for dinner with friends, and as we were leaving I glanced at my blackberry and saw the news that Whitney Houston had died.  I was devastated and shocked.  I immediately shed a few tears.  I really always believed in her comeback.  I know a lot of people are writing about her troubles, but I prefer to focus on her beauty, strength and voice.  Gosh I loved that voice.  Someone wrote recently that they heard God in her voice – I totally agree – every time she sang I felt her sparkle and her soul.  That woman could sing!! 

This picture is how I will remember her – so incredibly beautiful.  I will also remember her through the incredible musical legacy she has left us.  A few of my favourites:

1 – I will Always Love You – it is crazy how this song never gets old.  I can listen to it over and over and over.  I try to sing along but I am not even close to hitting those notes.  I figure Whitney wouldn’t mind though, she was cool like that.

2 – I Wanna Dance with Somebody – To me this was the fun Whitney, the song I would play while getting ready to hit the town.  She was so hopeful in this song, and so light and joyful.  It always brings a smile to my face.

3 – Greatest Love of All – This song is phenomenal.  I can still remember the first time I saw her perform it on tv – I was awestruck.  I think if she hadn’t done I Will Always Love You this would have been her signature.

4 – Exhale (Shoop Shoop) – I loved this song and movie so much that I started Waiting to Exhale nights with my friends.  We got together once a month and cooked together and hung out.  I own the movie and watch it every now and then…the next time I watch it I will be missing Whitney even more.

I could go on listing songs all night…but instead I think I’ll just go give her cd another listen…maybe you should too.

The Big Ten Questions

Oooohhhhhh, just for fun I think I will answer the big ten Inside the Actor’s Studio questions…I  know I am not an actor and no one really cares what I think but this blog allows me to pretend for just a minute that someone out there actually cares so here goes:

  1. What is your favorite word?

Seriously?  I have to pick just one?  I am such a word person…today I will choose “voluptuous”.  I love the way it sounds…just like it’s meaning, all curvy and fabulous.  Oh and I am ridiculously partial to the word Boom.  I have no idea why.  I rewind it on tv when people say it to hear it again.

  1. What is your least favorite word?

The “C” word.  I hate it so much I refuse to even type it.

  1. What turns you on?

Sincerity, humour, long hair and beautiful eyes.

  1. What turns you off?

Self absorption. (and yes I see the irony in that answer)

  1. What sound or noise do you love?

My children’s voices…sappy, but true.

  1. What sound or noise do you hate?

The sound of a fork or knife scraping against a plate.

  1. What is your favorite curse word?

Jackass.  Gosh I can work that into any sentence.  When in a pinch Ass will do.

  1. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

Professional Book Reader

  1. What profession would you not like to do?


  1. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?

Unlimited books and reading time!

celebrity splurge

I just read this in a People magazine.   When Courtney Cox decides to splurge she has a piece of eggplant lasagne.  For real.  She said it, they printed it.  Now let me tell you what a splurge in my world looks like – I start with a Boston Creme donut and a caramel full fat with whip frapuccino.  I go from there to DQ and lovingly eat a full size midnight truffle blizzard.  After that, I wait a bit, to make some room…then I eat a piece of chocolate cheesecake the size of my head.  Now that my friend is a splurge.  In my life, a piece of eggplant lasagne is a normal meal, even a “trying to eat better” kind of night.  What is wrong with these women?  I mean that kind of comment isn’t going to make anyone like you more, no one in the real world is going to identify with that kind of splurge.  I can imagine her poor daughter asking for a treat and getting a piece of seaweed.  And let’s just mention here that I am a very normal, average weight…I think all these eggplant lasagne splurging women must be pretty grumpy…nothing a trip to Dairy Queen can’t cure ;-).

Always Looking Up

I just finished Always Looking Up, the book by Michael J Fox.  First off, let me say that I am a huge fan of Michael J Fox, and have pretty much loved him since Family Ties.  He has always reminded me of my brother for some reason, but I can’t really put my finger on why.  This book was well written and totally interesting.  It gives a lot of background on his foundation, and how it was started and what its goals are.  It covers his faith, his family and his illness.  It was a short book, but I got a lot out of it.  It renewed my love affair with all things Michael J Fox 🙂  I continue to pray for him and his family, and be in awe of his optimism in the face of such crazy challenges.  I hope I would be as strong in a similar situation.

Wade Robson

I want to be Wade Robson when I grow up…or at least know him.  He is so completely quirky, brilliant and fun.  I love to watch his choreography.  On SYTYCD last night I was just lamenting that we had only seen him once so far this season, when along came a new Wade Robson routine!  It was totally brilliant.  The way he had the dancers move, so that they were almost like cartoon characters, and they were so fluid, yet so sharp.  It was inspirational.  He really is the most amazing choreographer, and any dancer must just be soooo thrilled to learn he is going to be working with Wade.  Wade, you are my hero.

Top 5 Actors – just to look at :-)

Just for fun today…my favourite five male movie actors to look at – and let’s be honest, this list changes daily 🙂  And I specify movie actors, because of course there is an entirely different tv list ;-).

5.  Johnny Depp – Every movie is good with Johnny Depp in it – and every woman I know thinks he is hot!

Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp

4.  Ethan Hawke – Just love him and he is a writer too…

Ethan Hawke

Ethan Hawke

3.  Robert Downey Jr – How hot is he?  Before rehab, after rehab, whatever – just yummy.

Robert Downey jr

Robert Downey jr

2.   Robert Pattinson – my favourite guy de jour – especially when he is playing my beloved Edward.

Robert Pattinson as Edward

Robert Pattinson as Edward

1.  Matt Dillon – my all-time favourite actor…always.

Matt Dillon

Matt Dillon

So sad

I just heard the news about Natasha Richardson.  What incredibly sad news!   My heart goes out to her family and loved ones.  I can’t even imagine the pain they are in right now.  I hope she pulls through and recovers from this serious injury.

I pledge to wear a helmet next time I go skiing.  I always make my children wear helmets when biking, skating etc…but I am usually not wearing one myself.  I promise from now on I will take the extra two minutes and put my helmet on too.

Update March 19 – Sadly, Natasha did not make it and has passed away.  My thoughts and prayers go out to her family and loved ones.

Bradley Cooper

Bradley Cooper was added to my list of favourite tv fellas the first time I saw him in Alias.  Will was wonderful, loyal and yes, cute too.  I adored his character and have made a point of following his career since the show ended.  He was on Jack & Bobby, made us giggle in Wedding Crashers, starred in Kitchen Confidential – which I LOVED, but apparently was the only one who watched as it didn’t last long.  Suddenly he has a string of movies, Yes Man, He’s Just Not That Into You and All About Steve.

I am thrilled to see him doing so well!  I just saw HJNTIY this weekend and it was really fun.  Bradley Cooper went from very cute boy next door on Alias to leading man good looks in this movie.  There is one scene where Scarlett Johansson comments on his killer smile and really, she was right.  Suddenly he is all tanned and super built, with a killer smile and his stunning eyes seemed extra blue.  I really enjoyed him in this film and am already looking forward to the release of All About Steve…yea for Bradley Cooper!